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Bilsar Shop - Istanbul
Design: Akin Nalca, Han Tumertekin
Location & Date: Istanbul 2004
Size: 550m2

The company Bilsar Textile opened its headquarters for the brand “Bil’s” in a historical building in 2004.

The five-storey building, which is almost 100 years old, is located in a district of Istanbul which has been very well preserved architectonically. The result of the refurbishment is a modern building incorporating the past and the future into a reduced design.


The original outside of the building has been preserved. The rooms inside have been carefully remodeled to create an open space structure.The way in which the products are presented was designed by Akin Nalca Modular Spaces, using the system  pila petite by Burkhardt Leitner constructiv. The system allows light, transparent space structures, which focus on the product, while the system itself recedes to the background.